Focus on the Spirit of Namaz

The Quran speaks of humility. Your entire focus should be on thinking of the glory of God and bringing to mind God's greatness. As a result of this thinking, the feeling that arises in you is called khushu, or humility. If you make minor errors in following the forms, that does not invalidate your prayer. There are innumerable debates on where the hands should be while uttering the intent to prayer. But this has no importance in the Quran. Your hands can be anywhere, up or down. But if your heart is immersed in the feelings of humility, then you have prayed correctly.

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If you think and contemplate on the Quran, you will discover many unique aspects. For example, the Quran prescribes prayer, or namaz. But how we should offer prayer is not mentioned in the Quran. The Quran says: وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ (2.43) The entire emphasis is on offering prayer. There is no mention of the form or structure of prayer. What does this mean? What is desired in prayer is essentially the spirit, not the form alone. In the later period, the period of Muslim jurisprudence, prayer began to be considered a form of worship that only consisted of various forms. All the debates on prayer were centred on the different forms. But the Quran does not speak of these forms of prayer. According to the Quran, the forms of prayer are of relative importance. They don’t have real importance. Real importance is of the spirit. For example, قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي صَلَاتِهِمْ خَاشِعُونَ (23.1) Successful indeed are the believers. Those who are humble in their prayer. The verse doesn’t say successful are those who offer prayer with all the correct forms. These days the mindset that exists is that we must teach the forms of worship. These days, the popular version of Islam requires offering prayer with all the detailed forms in the correct manner. This is not present in the Quran. The Quran speaks of humility. Your entire focus should be on thinking of the glory of God and bringing to mind God's greatness. As a result of this thinking, the feeling that arises in you is called khushu, or humility. If you make minor errors in following the forms, that does not invalidate your prayer. There are innumerable debates on where the hands should be while uttering the intent to prayer. But this has no importance in the Quran. Your hands can be anywhere, up or down. But if your heart is immersed in the feelings of humility, then you have prayed correctly.

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